The Pleasure Program
Online Course
- Imagine having the skills to create more pleasure in your life.
- Imagine learning how to manage big feelings and tricky thoughts about intimacy & relationships.
- Imagine feeling less struggle with loneliness in and out of relationships.
- Imagine having the foundational wisdom, tools and vision to change your relationship to pleasure – at home, at work and in the bedroom.
So many people do not have a healthy relationship with pleasure. For so many of us, pleasure is something awkward, shameful, full of anxiety or something that "other people" have. For many folks, it's frivolous, indulgent and immature at worst, yet for others it's soul nourishing and life-saving. How can this be?
The Pleasure Program is an especially formulated beginners guide to offer you the essentials of creating meaningful, powerful and most of all sustainable pleasure.
No matter your age, relationship status, gender, orientation, size - your pleasure matters.
Over 22 days you are invited into easy and immediately doable email and video based lessons, dripped into your inbox designed to offer you insight into the nature of your struggles with pleasure, and how to transform them into powerful and nourishing motivations for change.
This program is here to teach you the fundamental practices of creating pleasure in your life and how to create a life worth loving.
This program is for YOU. For all of us, and for myself because this stuff works. I am writing this not because I am 'above it all', but because I, just like you, need the near-constant reminder that pleasure matters.
You got this!
Key Principles:
There is science and historical data to confirm that pleasure is cultivated. Despite the upheavals of our day to day lives, or perhaps because of them, we have each other. We have community. We have connection. There is evidence-based research to help us stabilize and focus to maintain our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and erotic wellbeing. There are simple things we can start doing today. This course shows you how!
Who Is This Course For?
Who is this for?
- People who have the sense there is more to life and need help in getting started.
- People who are interested in learning to have better relationships at home at work and in the bedroom.
- People who are ready to embrace change, live bolder, feel more and most of all, create more opportunities for pleasure.
- People who want an introduction to working with me and don’t know where to start.
- People who want science-backed claims, useful information and practical exercises you can start from today.
- People who have time to invest 10 minutes each day for making pleasure a priority.
Who Shouldn't Take This Course?
You are not ready for this course if you
- Do not want facts, just fantasies.
- Want change, but don’t want to change yourself.
- Are not interested in more connection and better relationships.
Who Is Cyndi Darnell?
I’m Cyndi Darnell, internationally renowned clinical sexologist, sex and relationship therapist, sex coach and educator. My work has been featured around the world on TV, radio and print media including international publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, New York Magazine, O-The Oprah Magazine, The Huffington Post, The Guardian, Vice, Mind Body Green, Bustle, Cosmo and so many more.
I have spent over 20 years studying and exploring human sexuality, pleasure, connection, emotions and relationships, not to mention having my own fair share of experiences along the way. It’s the culmination of this work that has lead me here to create this online school for you. So many of us get no sex education, limited sex education or simply do not know how to integrate the information we find about sex online. Many of us have no one to talk to about this stuff and some of us don’t feel comfortable even discussing this with our partners. There is still a stigma about seeing a sex therapist or asking for help because we are expected to just magically know how sex works, as if sex is natural and everything we need to know gets downloaded by magic with no effort on our part at all. But none of this is true. Just like learning to paint, draw or cook, we must learn from someone who knows more than we do, at least to get us started on new techniques.
Imagine approaching sex with same curiosity and excitement you feel about taking a new class instead of dread or awkwardness. Imagine having the skills to be able to really understand yourself, your body and your partner’s body and truly share that with another. Like with anything worthwhile, if we want to master something, we need to invest in it. To learn it. Practice it and dedicate some time to it. Sex is one of those things. Right now you have two options. You can continue as you have been, hoping things will get better, avoiding the frustration, underwhelm and disappointment of 'business-as-usual' sex or you can make the decision to do something different, to learn more about sex, pleasure desire, touch, the body and so much more. I am super excited to have these offerings for you and I look forward sharing my knowledge and expertise to help you create a life worth loving.